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Melbourne Primary School

Melbourne Primary School Melbourne Primary School



If your child is unwell please telephone school to inform us as soon as possible on 01759 318369. If children become unwell or have an accident needing professional medical attention at school, parents will be contacted directly. It is therefore important that contact telephone numbers are kept up to date and we are informed of any changes in your circumstances. If we are unable to contact you and the school staff think it necessary, your child may be taken directly to hospital. If your child needs to take prescribed or over-the-counter medicines during the school day, then we require you to come into school with the medicine and sign the relevant authorisation forms. Medicines will be kept in a locked cabinet unless otherwise stated and children need to come to the office at the required time to take their medicine. Children should not have any form of medicines, such as cough sweets, creams, etc. in their bags under any circumstance.


Your child can return to school when they feel well enough to do so.


If your child has headlice they need to be treated before they return to school. Please inform school if your child has headlice so we can inform other pupils enabling them to be checked at home and treated, if needs be, at the same time. If a member of staff notices headlice in a child’s hair whilst they are in school, the child will be brought to the reception area and parents asked to come and collect them. The child is welcome to return to school as soon as they have been treated. Prevention by regular wet combing, once a week, on the whole families hair is best using thick conditioner. Once headlice are present, daily wet combing is required for 2 weeks. 

Vomiting & Diarrhoea

If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea at home due to a bug then they MUST remain at home for 48hrs AFTER the last bout of illness. If you think their sickness and/or diarrhoea is due to something they have eaten, they can return to school after 24hrs.


This is a common ailment in children, often caused by a virus and rarely needs treatment. The child can come back to school when their temperature returns to normal and they are feeling well.


This is caused by a bacterial infection of broken skin, usually on the face around the mouth. Until the lesions are crusted and healed, or 48hrs after the commencement of antibiotic therapy, the child must remain at home.


Children should be seen by the doctor/pharmacist and can return to school once antibiotic treatment is being used.

Chicken Pox

Children can return to school 5 days after the onset of the rash. Please ensure school are informed your child has chicken pox so any vulnerable persons can be made aware.

German Measles

Children can return to school 6 days after the onset of the rash. Please ensure school are informed your child has German measles so any vulnerable persons can be made aware.


Children can return to school 4 days after the onset of the rash. Please ensure school are informed your child has measles so any vulnerable persons can be made aware.

Whooping Cough

Your child can return to school 5 days after the start of antibiotics or 21 days from the onset of the illness if no antibiotics used.

Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
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