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Melbourne Primary School

Heron Class

Teacher/Teachers: Ms Taylor and Mrs Lawrie 

Teaching assistants: Mrs Strangeways and Mrs Knight 

PE Days: Wednesday and Friday 

Current Class book:  Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll


Heron P.E. days are on a Wednesday and a Friday. 


Accelerated reader reading book 

Children should aim to read their book on at least 4 days of the week - ideally more - sometimes to themselves and sometimes to an adult. The length of time they read for is at your discretion but we recommend 10 minutes a day. Their Accelerated Reader book is set at the best level for them to improve their reading and understanding. They should take the book quiz when they have finished the book (at home) and then change their book in the library at the first opportunity. 


Children will be given their spelling lists for the whole half-term to practise for homework and this will be stuck into their spelling homework book. 

Children should practise these spellings on their own, or with an adult, and practise writing them in sentences as this is how they will be tested on them in class. They should use their homework book for this.  


Times Tables 

TT Rockstars (20 minutes per week) – Children will have a TT rockstars Log-in the same as last year. This will be given to them again and stuck in the front of their reading diary. When they log in they will have been set 20 minutes of TT rockstars sessions to complete over the week. Teachers can see how many minutes they have completed and any improvements they make. We will also do TT Rockstars challenges in class.  

Extra Information 

We do encourage all the children to bring in a bottle of water for drinking during lessons. They can fill this in the classroom. 

Please ensure that your children have separate indoor and outdoor shoes. 

Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
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