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Melbourne Primary School

Mallard Class

Teacher/Teachers: Molly Howe 

Teaching assistants: Jo Wilson  

PE Days: Monday and Tuesday 

Current Class book: QUESTION TIME by Michaela Morgan


Please find attached at the bottoms of this page our 'Year One Learning Journey' to see what we will be learning this year.



P.E. will take place on Monday and Tuesday, so please ensure your child has the appropriate kit, that long hair can be tied back and earrings removed or covered with a plaster.  PE this term will be outdoors whenever possible so children must have a pair of trainers in their kit.




Children will bring home a reading practice book which will match their current phonics learning. Children are encouraged to read these books at home, as outlined in weekly homework tasks, to help them become more fluent readers. We will also send home a reading for pleasure book, for children and their grown-ups to share over the week. 



The children will also receive a list of spellings to learn at home each Monday, they will be tested on these spellings the following Monday, so again please try to practise these at home with your child on a regular basis.


Class essentials

We encourage all the children to bring in a bottle of water for drinking during lessons. They can fill this in the classroom and they are stored next to our sink.

Please ensure that your children have separate indoor and outdoor shoes.


Important Dates


Click here to find the most recent School Newsletter



Getting in touch

If you need to contact Miss Howe directly please use the email

Please visit the Contact Us page for the school's contact information.


Class web links

(Clicking on the image or logo below will take you to the relevant website)

We use a reward system in school called Class Dojo these are online creatures that your child can personalize, and if your child follows school rules and routines and strives to do their best, they will receive Dojos through the week. Again you will receive an invite and you can log on to ‘Class Dojo’, where you can see one of the ways we give positive feedback. 

We are also on Twitter, so watch out for our tweets! You can find us at @mps_mallard  We use twitter and the school website if we need to remind you of events such as home clothes days or if it is bad weather and the school has to shut. It’s worth logging on.


Learning resources

Click here to view a range of websites offering materials and activities to support your child's learning at home


Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
Email us