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Melbourne Primary School

Cygnets and Swans


Mrs A Williams- Early Years Lead Teacher- Monday, Tuesday am, Wednesday am and Thursday am 

Mrs G Eate- Teacher- Monday am, Thursday and Friday 

Mrs E Robinson- Teacher- Tuesday and Wednesday 

Teaching assistants: 

Mrs D Foots- Nursery Nurse- Full Time 

Mrs C Saltmer- Teaching Assistant - Monday to Thursday. 

Miss Brightey- Friday am

Mrs Gabb- afternoons.  

PE Days: Wednesday 


In Early Years we use play to develop children’s learning. 

As well as supporting children's play, we also have: 

Forest School is when we don our wellington boots and waterproofs and venture onto our amazing school environment to work on a much large scale. This may be making our own kites and then flying them, building dens in the trees or using the schools fire pit to make toast…yummy! 

PE is on a Wednesday morning, please ensure your child arrives at school in their P.E. kit. 

Our current theme is... Food and where it comes from.




Reading is extremely important at Melbourne Primary School and in early years, children experience an environment which is rich in language and stories. All children in the Early Years have a library account, and they are encouraged to choose a library book to take home and share with their family. We change books on a Monday, for those who attend on that day. Any nursery who do not attend on a Monday we have the opportunity to change their book later in the week. 

If your child is in Reception they will also bring home a 'Little Wandle' reading book from our new scheme. This book is your child's weekly decodable reading book, for them to read to you at home. Your children will also read this book at school during their 3 weekly practise reading sessions with a member of the Early Years Team. You children will receive this book on a Tuesday after their first session. Please ensure that your child brings their reading book and yellow reading record daily, so they are prepared for their reading session. 

News books  

Your child will receive a pink home newsbook. These are for you to record any activities, events or things your child has done at the weekend. Please return these on a Monday, as we share these during snack time on a Wednesday. 

Maths Challenge Books 

On a Wednesday your child will receive a maths challenge to complete at home. These are short practical maths activities for you and your child to share at home, which support the work we are doing in school. This will be emailed to you or placed in your child's maths challenge book on a Wednesday (Reception children only). Please make sure you return the book by Wednesday, so we can stick the next challenge in your child’s book if necessary. 


Over the year children in reception will receive phonics homework to support the level of learning. These may be letters to learn and practice writing, words to decode or tricky words to read. If your child is in nursery please keep practising nursery rhymes and listening skills with your child. 


Class essentials 

We send home a weekly “Class News” email on a Friday, this is just to let you know what we have done during the week, what we are moving onto next and other important dates. We hope you find this useful. 

We ask that children bring named indoor and outdoor shoes to use in school. In summer this can be plimsols for inside and school shoes for outdoors, and in winter wellington boots for outside and school shoes/plimsols for indoors. They will only need two pairs. Please make sure your child has both especially in the wet weather. Also, please ensure you send your child with a named sun hat in the good weather, as we do play outside a lot. 

Your child will need a water bottle daily. This should only have water in it please, as we are a healthy school. 

Please also make sure ALL your child’s belongings are labelled, as you can imagine a jumper/cardigan with no name in our large class is very tricky to find the correct home for. 

Friends of School provide all new starters with a school green book bag. Please send your children books etc in these books rather than bigger rucksacks as space is limited in our cloakrooms. 


Getting in touch 

We look forward to giving you an update on your child's progress at the Parent Consultations in November and in the spring term, but if you need to speak to us sooner please ring the office to make an appointment. 

Please visit the Contact Us page for the school's contact information. 


Class web links 

We use an electronic learning journey, called Tapestry. Once your child has spent a few weeks in the setting we invite you to join the site online so that you can have and contribute to your child's learning journey. Through this secure site you we will be able to see all the exciting things your child has been doing while in school. 


We use a reward system in school called Class Dojo these are online creatures that your child can personalise, and if your child follows school rules and routines and strives to do their best, they will receive Dojos through the week. Again you will receive an invite and you can log on to ‘Class Dojo’, where you can see one of the ways we give positive feedback.  


We are also on Twitter, so watch out for our tweets! You can find us at @mcps_cygnetswan. We use twitter and the school website if we need to remind you of events such as home clothes days or if it is bad weather and the school has to close. It’s worth logging on. 


Learning resources 

Click here to view a range of websites offering materials and activities to support your child's learning at home 

Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
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